Are You Detoxing the Right Way?

Thanksgiving has passed and our time to indulge in our favorite pies, moms homemade stuffing, and of course the endless amounts of spiked apple cider and wine has come to an end.  With our bellies feeling extra full, it’s now time, unfortunately, to get back on track and start fresh.

Many find that removing unhealthy substances in the body through the form of detoxing will give them the boost they need be in their best shape before Christmas cookie time comes around. Detox plans guarantee to beat inflammation, increase fat-burning and of course eliminate toxins from the body.  With limited research behind detoxing, many of the plans can turn out to be dangerous.

The oh-so famous juice cleanse is just one example of a harmful way to detox your body.  Consuming only juice and water for a prolonged period of time can deprive the body of protein and the healthy fats it needs to function properly.

People become desperate to lose weight fast, which can lead to them believing almost any detox they see on the internet.  Teatox’s have been hyped up ever since products such as Fit Tea and Flat Tummy Tea have been promoted by celebrities.

Although teatox’s are said to be a natural way to cleanse the body of toxins, many of them contain an ingredient known as senna, which is commonly found in laxatives.  Though senna isn’t dangerous to the body, many say teatox’s should be avoided.

Believing that your body needs “help” detoxing is everyone’s first mistake.  Our body hasdetox-your-body cleansing organs like the liver, kidneys, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract which are constantly detoxifying toxins and removing pollutants within the body.

As long as you are treating your body well by fueling it with a healthy, more plant-based diet, exercising regularly and giving yourself enough sleep, you’re already helping your body naturally detox.


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