Health, Fitness, and Lifestyle Blogs

Tony Gentilcore is a blogger that creates posts about exercise techniques, as well as how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Running to the Kitchen gives people alternate food recipes to keep even the sweetest of snacks healthy.  From superfood brownies to avocado and blueberry pancakes, she has included it all!

Jay Fields writes about not only her successes, but as well as her failures in life and what she did to overcome them.  Every blog post seems to teach you something important about everyday life.

Peanut Butter Fingers is a lifestyle blog all about eating healthy and staying active.  The whole blog has a very personable and positive look to it.

No Meat Athlete is a blog all about being a vegetarian, but also an athlete.  The topic of discussion is very opinionated but he somehow finds a way to explain everything in a non-judgmental way.

Fit Foodie Finds shares her health journey with others and the lessons she has learned along the way.

Mobility Wod incorporates not only words but video blogs as well.  He provides information anywhere from helpful workouts to recovery.

Eat the Damn Cake includes endless amounts of information on self-acceptance and how to balance a happy and healthful diet.  She even included a page where women can send in pictures of them eating cake, and guess what… She posts them! Because who doesn’t love cake, right?

Slow Your Home is a very clean and simple blog all about how to de-stress and relax.  She mentions that you should take life slow and have time to enjoy the little things.

Hungry Runner Girl is a combination of her passions, hobbies, and day to day life.  The majority of the blog is about running, but it is not rare to see a couple lifestyle posts as well.