Get Out and Get Involved

Did you know that West Virginia University offers about 50 club sports to ALL students?  Club sports are the perfect way to meet new friends while staying active at the same time.  With the help of a club advisor, students involved in club sports must organize their practices, fund the money for equipment and travel, and advertise their clubs to get people to join.

Alexis Needles, last years club volleyball vice president, admits that it’s not always easy to juggle your sport and schoolwork. “Duties were split between the president and I.  The both of us were responsible for entering two teams into tournaments, reserving hotel rooms, making driving arrangements, and making sure that all paperwork was completed and turned in on time. We also had to schedule and plan every practice.”

img_3656I had the chance to watch the girls club volleyball team practice and was quite surprised by how much time and effort they put in.  I expected club sports to be less demanding and relaxed, but I was proven wrong.  The practice consisted of a warm up, followed by drills, and ending with trial games.  They were able to take constructive criticism and apply it to their game.  Even though they did take the sport seriously, nothing stopped them from laughing and having fun.

Being involved in a club sport comes with extra responsibilities, though many agree that the img_5114experiences and friendships you make along the way are worth it.  Rob Pavlik, a senior on the boys club volleyball team, says “I play not only because I enjoy the competitive nature of the sport, but also because of the team.  We are all great friends drawn together by volleyball. Being on the team gives me lessons on humility, leadership, and patience. Lessons that I don’t believe I would have learned anywhere else.”

One of the main goals for students involved in club sports is to travel and compete with other universities on a regional level, in hopes of making it to the national level.  They must also partake in a variety of community service options throughout the season.

Practice times and location are available to students online and at the front desk of the student recreational center.