Student Rec Center Offers Personal Training

1455828500_mdBeing a student here at West Virginia University, I have always been aware that the rec center had a lot of offer, but I never actually took advantage of any of these activities or programs.

At a recent visit to the gym, I saw a man wearing a shirt that read “Trainer” in big bold letters on the back of his shirt.  I investigated more and saw he was working one-on-one with what looked to be a student.

I decided to dig a little deeper and found that the WVU Student Rec Center does in-fact offer personal trainers.  I was shocked at first, thinking that they were offering Personal Trainers for free; I was soon calmed down when the prices were neatly listed at the bottom of the page.

West Virginia University students are offered personal training at a discount, where as rec center members have a bit of a higher pricing. All personal trainers, along with their emails are listed on the page as well.


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